Alcohol and Substance Ab使用 Policy


基督教社会联盟DH has a responsibility to maintain an educational environment conducive to academic achievement. The prohibition of illicit drugs and alcohol ab使用 helps to assure students, 教职员工, 游客, and guests that the university is exercising this responsibility.


非法制造, distribution (by either sale or gift), 调剂, 占有, or 使用 of alcohol or a 控制物质 is prohibited anywhere on the campus of 基督教社会联盟 Dominguez Hills (except 占有 within the privacy of individual living units in 大学的宿舍 for residents 21 years of age and older). Actions that will be taken against those who violate this prohibition are delineated elsewhere in this policy.

For the purpose of this policy, the term 控制物质 has the meaning given such term in Section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802),包括, 但不限于, 大麻, 可卡因, 可卡因衍生品, 海洛因, “裂缝”可卡因, 安非他明, 巴比妥酸盐, 迷幻药, 卡式肺囊虫肺炎, and substances typically known as "designer drugs" such as MDMA (commonly known as 莫莉 or 狂喜). 占有 of paraphernalia associated with the illegal 使用, 占有, or manufacture of a control substance is also prohibited. The illicit 使用 or ab使用 of alcohol is also included in this policy.


The President has designated the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy with regard to students; the Provost and Vice President for 学术事务 to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy with regard to faculty; and the Vice President for 政府 and Finance to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy for all other employees. In all cases of alleged violations of this policy, the State University Police Chief will be contacted. The authority of the University President supersedes that of all other authorities, excluding the State University Police.

Disciplinary Actions and Penalties

Disciplinary action imposed by the university will be in lieu of penalty, fines, or imprisonment imposed through the legal system.

Disciplinary action for students, which may include penalties up to and including expulsion, will comply with procedures established in 犯罪现场组第1098号行政命令.

为员工, appropriate personnel action will be taken within 30 days, and may include penalties up to and including termination. Disciplinary action for employees will be conducted in accordance with current collective bargaining agreements and HEERA procedures.


根据这项政策, there will be an annual distribution of the following information by Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, 学术事务, 和管理 & Finance to each student and employee:

  1. A 状态ment of standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, 至少, 非法占有, the 使用 or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on 基督教社会联盟DH property;
  2. 对 applicable legal sanctions under local, 状态, and federal law for unlawful 占有, 使用, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  3. 健康风险 associated with the 使用 of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  4. A description of drug and alcohol counseling, 治疗, and rehabilitation programs available to students and employees.
  5. This institution will impose sanctions on students and employees and a description of these sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution for violations of the standards of conduct.
  6. The campus alcohol 状态ment is available at the campus website

All new employees will be 不ified of this policy at the time of employment as well as annually.


A biennial review of this policy and related programs will be conducted by the Office of Student Life; Procurements, 合同, Logistical and Support Services; Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; Foundation; Student Union; the Campus Alcohol and Awareness Coordinating Team; State University Police; and 大学的宿舍 to:

  1. Determine its effectiveness and implement changes to programs if they are needed; and
  2. Ensure that the policy and its disciplinary processes and sanctions required by paragraph IV are consistently enforced.